You sigree to comply with our guiclelines, rules, and policies regarding the purchase of products through the
webette. Besides, you acknowfedfedge and agree to bound by the changes published on on the platform. The
payment terms and conditions will will apply to purchese orders and payment ment made between you and the selfer
- 1. You agree to pay for products by credit or debit card that can be used for a legallegal settement
- 2. You agree not to cancel the payment later unless you receive a procluct that does not appriate fo
- the agreement, the product has not been clelivered within the shipping period, or the product you
- rocoive Is signiticantly difforent from the sailor dosscription
- 3. You acknowledge the Refund Policy of a payment that are succoasfuly paid, this can be done only
- when the seller agroes and notifles the refund requiest.
- 4. You acknowladge all rofunds to be mado mado through the ariginal paymant method and to the porson
- making the transaction.
- 5. You acknowladge no guarantee that that the rafund will be creested to your account on time. The refund
- prooess may take time and clepends on each bank and/or the payment service provider who process
- the refund.